Sunday, September 12, 2010


I am in that point in life in which I have an amazing opportunity. This opportunity has nothing to do with money because, though God has blessed us and pulled us trough so many times using so many people, we still do not have a whole lot of money. This opportunity has nothing to do with a job because there is no way I could hold down a job right now. It has nothing to do with making new friends, though I am sure I will make quite a few of those in the coming years.

This opportunity has even greater meaning and reward. I have the opportunity to be weak. To lose myself. I do not have to be perfect. All I have to do is let Him shine trough me. All I have to do is let Him do the work for me. All I have to do is rest in Him.

I am going to nursing school. It is the third hardest thing I have done so far in my short lifetime. I have wanted to quit a few times. I have cried more times these last two weeks than I have in the last couple of months. But the beauty of it all, the thing that keeps me going, is the fact that I have this amazing opportunity! I can not do this. I know that I can't. I have tried on my own and almost quit. But I know that He can. I know that He is with me. Here are my God story to prove that I am where He wants me.

On Friday I had a quiz. I studied for this one at 4 in the morning. When I get there, I read the second question and I have no idea what it was asking! Needless to say, I started freaking out. I skipped it and came back and just started praying. Please help me remember this word. I have no idea what it is supposed to be used for. And in my mind He whispers "stretch" and of course it was the right answer. I know the Lord gave that to me. I know that He was there with me.

My second story is about today. We were at church and Kane was praying. He is being affected by this change as well. He has to put up with a mess more than he would like. He has to distract Kole more that he used to. As much as he is trying, we are still getting things worked out. But as he is praying, the Lord led him to tell me that the Lord knows that what I am doing is not easy, but I am doing a good job and He is proud of me.

My life goal is to put a smile on His face instead of a tear to His eyes. And I have that opportunity to do that. And for today, I am succeeding. What is your opportunity? Is it to serve someone? A friend, a spouse, a stranger, a child, a mother? Is it to lead a soul or many souls to Christ? Is it to finally come to Christ? Every day we each have the same opportunity. To bring glory to God which is what it is all about. Let His light shine!

1 comment:

  1. You have a long road ahead of you, but be encouraged! You are doing something wonderful for your family and for strangers. There are better things to come.
