Saturday, September 4, 2010

Change is in the air :D

I am a little depressed. I am so tired of the way people treat each other. I am tired of the selfishness in people. I am so tired of everyone ignoring their sin. Pretending like it does not exist. Like we have done nothing wrong and it is all the other persons fault. I am so tired of expectations. I am so tired of trying to be perfect. I am so tired of fake people.

I hate pretending. I hate to have to pretend that everything is ok or risk being called a whiney baby or make someone mad at me. I am tired of being my own encourager. I am tired doing this all on my own. I am tired of thinking everything in life is horrible. I am tired of people being mad at me. I am tired of trying to not make them mad at me. I am tired of walking on eggshells. I am tired of not taking the encouragement I have been given. I am tired of making people mad at me. I am tired of sining. I am tired of watching those around me sin. I am tired of God's heart breaking by those he calls his own. Those he went after for his kingdom. And those he wants us to go after for his kingdom.

Who is the real you? Are you pretending? Are you faking? We heard a sermon at church yesterday about being authentic. If you have time read the sermon on the mount. Because you have probably committed adultery and murder. Your words and actions say one thing but your heart does not. Jesus loves when we do wonders and small things in his name, but if you are not doing them with the heart of Jesus, then they don't matter at all.

Sin is not just a one time deal. It is not, well I have overcome it so I do not need to worry about it. It is always there. Creeping up while you are unaware. And then it is there. And you are so far lost in it that you cant find your way out. It starts small. One thing here and one thing there. You don't notice or you justify and then all of the sudden we have major issues on our hands because of days, weeks or years of justifying and ignoring. We are supposed to be the body of Christ. We are supposed to work together. Instead, all I seem to see is sin and selfishness. And I am tired of it.

I am going to make a change. I am going to be who God created me to be. I am going to bring him glory by letting others know what He has done for me. I am going to bring him Glory because people are going to know that I am not perfect but He is. I am going to bring him glory because I am going to become a living breathing prayer. I am going to bring him Glory because I am going to sin but am not going to be afraid to confess and ask for forgiveness from those that I have hurt. I am going to bring him Glory because I am going to forgive those who have sinned, even when they do not ask. I am going to bring him Glory because I am going to love even when I am hurting. I am going to bring him Glory because of what He has done for us? Are you? Or are you going to forget what He has done for you?


  1. I love you so much! You are such a great young woman, wife, mommy, niece, friend, encourager, prayer warrior, the list goes on. I love reading your blog! Thanks for sharing with us! Take Care! AD

  2. Read Chapter 4 of the After God's Own Heart book. It is powerful in my life right now and I think you would like it too. We can chat about it on Thursday
