Thursday, August 16, 2012

New Life

I am not one for religious or political debate.  My motto for my faith is that God is love and I am called to show that love to those around me.  So I do not want this blog to become about right vs. wrong, just about showing God's glory in the little and big things.

With that said, this particular blog is going to touch on a hot topic:  New life.

I sat and massaged a pregnant lady for an hour last evening.  We were hoping that it would help her go into labor.  We all knew it wasn't going to work.  Even in the womb, babies have a way being obnoxious.  They either wait way to long to get here or they come before you even have a chance to breath, they like ot bounce on the mother's bladder or kick her in the ribs.  No matter how, they let you know who is boss!

We are all anxiously awaiting the arrival of this new baby.  Is it a boy or a girl?  How big?  How tall?  Will it look like mom or dad?  But these questions are not even the what has us most anxious!!  Finally being able to meet this new baby is what is most exciting.  Speaking from experience, from the second a mom knows she is pregnant her whole mindset changes.  The love is automatically has for her infant is indescribable.  But, once she meets that baby and holds it for the first time, the feelings she ahs she can not even be put into a coherent thought.

A father's love is not so instantaneous.  Bare with me because I am a little jaded on this topic.  First of all, I am not a father.  And second of all I nothing to base it on.  But a father's love takes a little longer.  It is not real for him until he hears the first heart beat, feels it move for the first time, as he sees the mother grow bigger and bigger, slowly it becomes reality.  But as soon as he holds the baby for the first time is when it is all over for  him.  Life, his heart and his whole world has changed.

For me, there is no greater miracle than new life.  From the making of the new life to the birth (keep your minds out of the gutter).  The idea that the act of ultimate love (that has been so skewed in today's society) can create this precious life.  The fact that there are so many combinations of DNA and this one was chosen.  My son, this child, you, me.  This combination is his masterpiece.  His work of art.  All of the perfections to all of the flaws.  Before these parents ever met, this child was already created.

My Father created me just the way I am.  He loves every single part of this creation.  He made my strengths to better show his love and be apart of a Body that is greater than me.  He made my flaws so that I would more fully rely on Him and so that by over coming all of my "issues" I could more fully glorify Him.  I am His masterpiece, sculpted and molded to fit the image of Him.  His love for each and every single one of His masterpieces surpasses any love that we could ever emulate her on earth.  A love, that once you taste it you have no way of turning away.  And you have no choice but it show it to others.  A love like that is not one to be kept and ignored.  It is meant to be shown and lived.  Shown to those around you, little acts of love, moments you lay down your own desires for those who need special attention.  Lived in a way that constantly points to the Artist that created each and every one of us.