Friday, July 16, 2010

"That Child"

Are you "that" child? You know the type. The type that you look at and automatically think or say "Oh, its that type of child." What type am I talking about? Well I am actually talking about a couple types. :D

The first type is the type that is the pitiful me type. "My parents hate me! See what they make me do." Or, "she loves my sister more than me." Have you ever came across that type? Are you that type?

Or the "NO" type. "NO I will not do that." "No, I will not go there." "I don't care how much you need me or want me, I am not going to do it!" I am sure everyone right now can say that they never said no to their parents ;) (Even if you did not say it out loud, you said it in your mind).

I just wanted to thank the Lord that Jesus was neither of these types! What if he had taken the pity route to the cross? Then He would have sinned and our salvation non-existant! What if he had said No? I don't even want to contemplate these two "ifs". He went to the cross, took on ALL of our sin when he had none of his own, and died. So that the Lord could love us more completely and so that we may spend eternity with them! He did not say no, he did not pity himself or question the reason behind his torture, he just obeyed.

What type of child are you? Are you playing the pity game? Are you saying No to what the Lord wants you to do? What has he called you to become? He wants us to become more like Him. He wants to use us. Weather it be in ministry, in our homes, to our coworkers, to our neighbors, He wants to use the talents he has given us to further His kingdom.

Right now, tonight, I am stopping the pity party. I am stopping all the "No's" that I tell myself. I am going to obey. I am going to be "That child, the one that followed Christ".

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

"Show Me Your Glory"

I love the way that music has been ministering to my heart. I have found that when actually listen to the words to find how I can relate, I always find something that I can use in my life or that has happened in my life or that I can make a goal for my future Walk with the Lord.

Today the song that touched my heart was "Show Me Your Glory" by Third Day. Particularly two different lines. The first one is "I saw a glimpse of your splendor....And I know I will never be the same". I feel like this was me about a month ago. I felt the Lord take my heart and make it like Him so that His will can be done. I have no way to explain it other that hope that you have experienced something along the same lines. You know that time where the Lord just does something pretty amazing in your life and in you or for you and you know that it was ALL the Lord and all you can do is stand in awe of his Glory and pray that you never forget that experience. (Is that a run-on? lol) I know that there are ways that the Lord can show you His glory and I know that there are ways that you can experience it. You can see it when you look at some of His creation and see what the hand of God has created it. Or you can experience it in a time where the Lord works in ways that can not be explained. For me, He took my heart and gave me complete forgiveness, true love, and total willingness for the Lord and the people He has created. I was hurting in ways that I hope no one has to experience but I also knew what the Lord wanted and heard His voice so clear in my heart telling me and guiding me towards His will. It was amazing.

The second line is "When I climb down from that mountain... I won't settle for ordinary things." I know that after that experience, I never want to go back to who I was. I was on a mountain, but I never want to be in the same valley that I was in. I know that I will go trough valleys and I will experience dry spells. But I also know what it feels like to have the Lord lead me trough those spells and pull me trough white as snow. I hold on to that knowledge/memory when I do not feel Him. I hold onto the knowledge/memory when I sin and know that the Lord will forgive me. I have faith in the Lord's power and presence because I experienced it in a time that I had nothing else to use.

I had a little taste of the full splendor of the Lord and I know that I never want to forget that or I never want to forget how the Lord worked in me.

My prayer for you is that you remember the Lord when you are going trough hard times. Remember what the Lord has done in you even if it was just one time and cling to that and search for it. Because when you you search for that "experience" or "feeling" He will show Himself to you. Maybe in little ways or in big ways. Maybe by a song or just a couple words from someone who loves you. Maybe you won't notice anything for a while, but you can have faith and hope that He WILL work, in HIS time.

Friday, July 2, 2010


I have always been short. I have always been "muscular". And I have always had horrible self-control when it comes to food! I love everything that is horrible for me. Pizza, chips, sugar, soda... But I have always hated what is good for me. Veggies and fruit. All the things I need to maintain a healthy and long life, I skip over for foods or drinks that will do more harm than good. I have also always tried to change that. I have horrible self-confidence. I am the first person to say how fat or ugly I am. I have tired diets. I have tried exercising but I just don't stick to them.

I realized something tonight though. I was sitting in the shower wallowing in self-pitty and it struck me. I finally realized that my body is a temple. My body has always been short and muscular because that is the way God created me. The Lord looks at me and loves me. But, as much He loves me and created me just the way I am, I am His temple. Have you ever given something to your kids, or a friend or something and watched them tear it up? Do you remember how frustrated you were? I think God looks at us the same way. He gave us these bodies so He can have glory. We are to do His work with our bodies that He gave us. If we are not eating the good that the Lord has made to help our bodies, we are not going to function to our full potential. If we are not exercising the way we should, we are going to be to tired to function to our full potential.

But most importantly. I want to bring glory to the Lord, and taking care of the body he gave me. And not only will taking care of my body bring him glory but so will being happy with the body he gave me. I am not longer 13 so I can not expect the body I used to have. I have carried a child that was twice my size when I was born, there is no going back from that...

My encouragment to you tonight is that you try to view yourself as God views you. As His perfect creation and as a temple used for His Glory that we are charged to take care of! So if you want to lose weight, know that if you do it for God's glory. If you are happy with the way you look, give thanks to the Lord. But most of all, be happy with what the Lord has blessed you with, not matter what it looks like!