Friday, August 20, 2010


Why is it that I am struggling with this blog? I have actually wrote it and rewrote it a total of 3 times. I usually wait to be inspired. And I have been...boy have I been inspired these last few days. I wanted to write on Love so I started then I did not like it. I wanted to write on power so I started it and did not like. I started to write about power again and I still did not like so I deleted it al...

So here I am. Knowing that I have had enough inspiration to last me a while and to make up several blogs but I just can not decide what to write about. So I decided to write about the one thing that this all encompasses: God.

For so long I have had God in this box. This box is what I like to call a comfort zone. I was to afraid to move past my salvation. I was to afraid to go deeper. Probably because I was scared of being inadequate. I am actually still scared of not being enough or good enough to do the work that the Lord has laid out for me. I mean my whole life I have not been enough for some people to stay around for (a lot of friends and some of my family). What made me think that I was good enough for some awesome God to work trough me for some awesome cause?

The truth is I am not good enough or enough for the Lord's work. If you want to get down to it, the less of me there is in any of the work the Lord has for me, the more the Lord can actually work. I have recently been talking to some people whom the Lord had been working through in amazing ways. And I look at them and think to myself how awesome it would be to be used like that. And then I start trying to be perfect. To think of the words to say or the actions I need for that particular time. But that is just it... I try. Instead of me losing myself in the Lord and in power of the Lord, I try with my own power. And that is not going to get any one any where except for heart ache and disappointment.

What are you trying to do with your own power? Are you trying to change someone? Trying to bring someone to salvation? Trying to pay all of your bills? Trying to raise your children? Trying to do your job?

I want to encourage who ever is reading this to stop trying. Lay it all at the Lord's feet. Pray, pray and pray some more. When the opportunity arises for any of these aspects of life, you will be prepared. He will give you the words, he will work in that person for you, he will make himself known trough what ever means necessary for your children. He will not forget his children. The more time you spend seeking what the Lord wants from you, the more successful you will be at whatever you are doing. Maybe not in earthly means but defiantly in heavenly riches, which is all that really matters anyways. And please, please, please do not forget, that person whom is in your life that you are trying to reach, the Lord loves them and wants them even more than you do. He knows their hearts and knows what needs to be said or done and in the end, its not up to you. It is up to the Lord and that person. So, be bold when you need to be and shut up when he tells you to!

1 comment:

  1. Kristy, you scared me for a minute when you said you didn't think you were adequate enough and that you were trying to be perfect. I wasn't sure where u were going with this blog. Of course you are perfect, in every way, in God's eyes. He absolutely loves u just the way u are, and as a matter of fact, so do I! You are an encourager, a prayer warrior, a great friend and a loving cousin. YOU are always the first to check on me when you think something is wrong or when I have something I need help with. Although you are half my age, you are wise above your years. I'm so happy to have you in my life! Love you lots, AD!
