Monday, October 25, 2010

I heart You

I was listening to the radio today about this guy and his wife. He was talking about how he and his wife had been divorced for 3 years. In fact, had not spoken in 3 years. He got the news that his mother had a tumor the size of a baseball on her brain and they were going to do surgery. Before surgery he prayed that if the Lord would let her live a few more years and if that happened, he would follow Christ from then on. He had a sudden urge to call his ex-wife. So he called and they met a week later. He walked in they hugged, and he looked around. The table was set, she was dressed and she said "welcome home, I have dinner ready for you." She then brought him a Bible with his name on it. She said that she had it for him and that she had been praying for him. He then proceeded to ask what she had that he did not. She told him that it was Christ and, then and there, he gave his life over for good, not just as a bargain.

The first aspect of this story that caught my attention was the wife waiting for her husband. Of course marriage stories are going to catch my attention because mine defiantly has not been a cake walk, but the Lord has used it for his glory. But the other part that caught I marveled at was how awesome God is. Three years! How patient was that wife! How humble was that husband! How awesome is it that God had prepared the way in advance and they both responded to his urgings.

The other aspect that I think is amazing is the Lord's love. He used these two broken, wounded people to show his love. It was not something she talked about. She did not say one word to him during the whole time. She just prayed. And then waited. His love that she experienced for her husband was enough. God took care of the rest.

Love is a tricking thing. So often its a feeling. So often is an action. So often we try to earn our love. If I be good, maybe my parents will love me more? Maybe if I give my kids what ever they want they will love me then? If I am prettier or skinner, maybe my husband will love me more? Maybe if I stop sinning, God will love me more? The reality is that all of these are lies from Satan. We should not have to do anything for love, nor do we have to. We have Christ who did it all, and the Holy Spirit who lives in us so that we be actively apart of that love. Actively receiving it and actively giving it to others. On the flip side, we have no right to with hold God's love from others. How often do you find yourself with holding attention from a child because they are annoying you when all they need is a response. A friend because they made you mad? Your spouse because you guys got into an argument or they were rude, or they were not very attractive that day? This is sin. We were given love freely so we must give it freely, with no stipulations.

What does this love look like? Well it looks like dying on a cross for your sins so that you can spend eternity in heaven with your Lord and Savior. :) Well since that was already done, what an we do now? My suggestion is pray. Pray for three specific things. First, that you will pay attention to the love the Lord is smothering you in. Stop and notice the little thing that He has placed in your life that, maybe not at that moment, but could bring great joy if we give God the glory for it. A sunset maybe, the fact that somehow all of your bills were payed for even though you have no money left. Secondly, we can pray that the Lord shows us what to love about others. So often we (I mean I) judge, or we are annoyed with someone who we barely know. The Lord loves them and, no matter how hard it is to love them, they are still lovable, even if all we can not see why. Third, act on the Lord's prompting. The more you pray that the Lord will show you how to love, you will know how he wants you to act on his love.

Pray Love Act

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