Saturday, March 12, 2011

I think this is my favorite topic :)

I am not really sure where this blog will end.  I have a lot on my heart.  Mainly due to this last week and a half.  You know those times in life when things just kinda start falling apart.  Nothing huge mind you, but still enough to bring you down.  In the past week my questions have ranged from "Am I going to make it out of nursing school" to "Do I need to take Kole to the ER" and every one in between.  There is nothing in my life that was not touched by stress.

Its kinda funny if you think about it.  It's always this time of year.  I will not go into much detail, but 3 yrs ago this time of year something bad happened, then again a year later, and then again a year later!  This time it is nothing horrible, not any where near like the years before, but it def. has not been easy.

I look at my reaction through all of the "experiences".  The first year I got prego, the next year I got mad at God, the next year I was almost divorced then grew closer to the Lord in a way that I had not done in the past.  This year again I am pulling away.  I find it amazing how things can change from wanting to bring Glory to the Lord to what can the Lord do for me.  And if he does not pull through with what I want, I pull away.  Then I just start sinning more, then I keep pulling away.  It is a never ending cycle.

I remember what it felt like to have my heart in the right place.  How these little things did not matter as much.  I knew I was on the right track.  I was able to love better, more, and those who are hard to love.  When I lose sight of bringing him glory it all changes.  I start doubting a lot of things but mostly I doubt that my saviour still loves me.  And not only that but I also start doubting that others deserve that love.

But isn't that what this Love is all about.  Love for those who do not deserve it.  I am talking about those Christians who are still stuck in their sin.  Or those who do pretty good most of the time, but inevitably fail.  I am also talking about those people who do not know Christ.

I think that the best way to bring Glory to the Lord is to show His love to those who do not deserve it and who do not know it.  That job of course only belongs to the holy spirit and those that he has called.  He may have called you a LONG time ago and you have grown deeper and deeper in relationship with Him.  He may have called you a LONG time ago but you are just now getting down the the nitty-gritty of your relationship with Him.  He may have called you just yesterday.  None of these time frames gives us an excuse to not show His love.  We need to show his love to our closest friends or meanest strangers.   We need to show his love to those who we think have no hope and/or those who we have tried to do so many times and they ignore.  Christian/Non-Christian, young/old, anyone deserves to be shown love, because none of deserve God's love.    Its not up us who to show His love to, its up to the Holy spirit and I am pretty sure that if he had it his way, it would be everyone :)

Now for those who happen to be reading this who do not know His love, you have a choice to make.  I encourage you to make it now.    If you do not know how to go about it, e-mail me or message me on FB.  You can have this love too.

And for the rest of you, get to loving you


  1. Kristy, your blogs always seem to hit me right where I need it.Crazy how that works! I love reading your blg.I love you too! AD

  2. Your scripture choice is perfect. Let's memorize it and ask the Lord to write it on our hearts. Let's chose to believe God at his Word and live like we believe it.

    Matthew 11:28-30
    28"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
