I find this commercial heartbreaking because it reminds me of a lot of real situations. It makes me think of how people take more stock in their possessions than in their relationships, especially their relationship with Christ. We spend so much time with our TVs, computers, phones, IPads, and so on, that by the end of the day we have not spent any time in the word or in prayer. We spend so much time making sure that our homes are clean and all the while our souls are becoming dirtier and dirtier. We spend so much time trying to make more money that we have not time to give to those in need. We spend so much time trying to let others see how cool we are that we forget to show the love of God.
It all kind of trickles down too. Not only do we not have enough time for what should be the most important aspect of our lives, we do not have enough time for our loved ones. We go all day filling these empty desires that we have not energy to put into our God-given relationships. Our spouses go forgotten about. We have not energy to talk or spend quality time with them. Our children go ignored or left to fend for themselves with not real quality interaction there either. Our friends go wondering if we even care. Unbelievers go unsaved because we can't take the time to show them who Christ really is.
In Matthew 6:11 it states "where your treasure is there your heart will be also". So I ask where is your treasure? Is it with Christ and everything he stands for? Or is it with yourself and possessions that are just going to burn any ways?