Wednesday, May 25, 2011


You know those times in life when you questions all that you know?  All that you though you were, you now have no idea if it was all a reality or just your imagination.  Was I really that person?  How did I get there?  What if I make the wrong choice?  What is the wrong choice?

My heart aches tonight.  Nothing new, I know.  Maybe I am just allowing myself dwell in the pain.  Maybe  the magnitude has just hit me.  What brings about the pain sometimes is soo small and stupid.  But then again it just reminds me of other issues or times where I have been hurt.

First Peter is what I wrote about last time.  Mainly chapter 3, but at least two other times, Peter wants us to rejoice and be prepared for suffering.  Its going to happen.  If it happened to Christ, the only one who did not deserve it, what makes us sinners think that while living in this fallen sinful world, we will not have to suffer and that life will be "easy".  That overcoming the past and or own struggles with sin will be easy or a one-time deal.

So then,  we know life is not easy.  Especially mine... Especially yours.... Especially the person's sitting on the street corner holding a "will work for food" sign...  Especially those who have been hit by the natural disasters lately.... How do we get through these tough times.  1 Thessalonians gives me an answer.  I do not really like it but here it goes...
1 Thessalonians 5: 15-17
"See that no one renders evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good both for yourselves and for all.  Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."

My first response is:  "Great answer God!  Leaves me with more questions..   What exactly is best for everyone?  How is THIS the will of God?".  But then maybe that is the intent because if we had all the answers, why would we need to pray with out ceasing?  Isn't that what he wants anyways?  Constant "communication"  with us?  Most with us just crying out to him and some with him guiding us through his words and urgings?  Anyways... No answers, more questions and reassurance that God wants all of me.

More importantly, he wants all of you.  He wants all of all of us.  Not just for a day, or a week, or a few months.  The words without ceasing is soooo important for this verse.  It means that its not just when I need him.  Or how we push him aside for our own two second self-gratifying action or mindless distraction from reality.  He should be our reality.  With all our souls, hearts, minds, and strength.  With all that we are, we praise Him.  Until the end of time, we are his.  Our Father, best-friend, our lover He  needs to be our everything.

1 comment:

  1. Amen!!!! We should be sooo looking forward to his return. Just like when we are pregnant and so excited for our baby to finally be here. There is pain, but the end result is pure joy. If we are not looking forward to the return of Jesus with that kind of daily anticipation and excitement, then He is not our Father, our best friend, our lover, our everything. This life is short. We should be living for another age today. You are clearly on that journey. I'm blessed to be on that journey with you.
