Monday, April 11, 2011

Pretty Amazing

I sometimes wonder about the people behind the writings of the Bible.  Especially Mark, Matthew, Luke, John, and Paul.  I do not know why these 4 come to mind but they do.  Perhaps because they are talked about the most?  Maybe because those are the only four I know?  (I will never tell :p  )  But that is besides the point.  

My point is they are just people.  Just like you, just like me.  They were imperfect people with a huge anointing.  But why?  Were they better than you?  Greater than me?  

I was specifically thinking of when Paul said that he was the worst sinner.  I do not know the reference or the exact phrase, but that is the gist of what he said.  Kane told me that he wrote that in reference to all of the Christians he murdered.  Be that as that may, he still probably thought that about himself on a regular basis for sins other than murder?  Maybe?  As amazing as we perceive all of his "accomplishments", he was still human, still a sinner, still the least of these:  Just like you, just like me.

But what set them apart?  Was it their knowledge?  Maybe.  They were all prob pretty smart.  Was it their money.  Definitely not. They had none, they gave it all up to follow Christ.   So what was it?  I think that they had obedience.  Jesus called out to them each individually, in different ways, and they all dropped their worldly processions and followed Him.  The studied Him.  They talked to Him.  They responded to Him.  They tried to love the people that Jesus did (remember these are imperfect people).  They each had their own struggles, their own sin, but ultimately their heart was focused on Jesus and the plans He had.  

Lets be realistic though.  We are all not going to do everything these guys did.  Prob, I will never get anywhere near that many healings or church plants or be apart of so many people accepting salvation.  Some of will lead many to Christ, while some lead none.  Some will miraculously heal, while others can't even put a bandaid on right.  He may want one person to be a mother and a house wife.  He may call one person to lead a church of 10,000.  

But that does not make any one any less than the other!  All can be equally as glorifying to Him.

What makes us great in His eyes (even though we already are, different blog, different time) is when we obey him.  Obey his command to love.  Obey his desire for us to be close to him by reading His word, praying, and responding to Him.  

Its pretty amazing what the Lord can do when we finally stop and listen to His heart.  It is pretty amazing how much more beautiful we become when we fall more deeply in love with Him.  It is pretty amazing how great people can be when they make themselves nothing and Him everything. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nicely said, I appreciate the fact that obedience is the key. Christ looks at the heart, and wants ours to mirror his, where we would be obedient to death, just as Our Savior was.

  3. "It is pretty amazing how great people can be when they make themselves nothing and Him everything." Amen! That's who I want to be. Our Master was the servant of all
