Be still. Know me. Rely on me.
I know your pain. I know your thoughts. I know your struggles. I know how worried you are about Kole. I know that as much as you try to let go, there is still a piece of you that has not. I know that you are scared of what I have in store.
I have not left you alone. I have not forsaken you. I have always and will always remain faithful to you. I have never and will never lie to you. I am the same yesterday, today and forever. You may not understand why I do things. You may not understand how I am working in this situation. You may not be able to see it yet, but I have glorious things planned. I love you way to much to give you less than the best. It may not look like you think it does. It may not be when or how you planned, but I am still at work. Know that these people who hold your heart and your worries tonight are my children. I have every hair on their head counted. Praying is your job, taking care of them beyond that is mine. You are blessed with Kole and being his mother, show him me and my love, everyone else, lay at my cross. They are my workmanship.
Let go and run to me. Let me show you what its like to be loved. Let me use you to show my love to others. I see your desires. Those one's you do not even want to think about for fear of them not coming to pass or them not honoring Me. Know that I am shaping your, carving you, making you completely mine. Pray to me all the time. I will show you my heart.
Look at all of the people I am using in your life right now. They are my blessings to you. They are amazing people and love you. Show them my love in return. Be filled so that you may fill. Focus on these blessings rather than the lies and what ifs. Know that I am greater. I will be there and you will get through this.
Come to me, find rest. Be loved and show love.
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