Today I feel pretty. Notice the verbage. It is not past tense, it is not future tense, it means right now at this moment I feel pretty. But even more importantly, it was not just this moment, or when I let my hair down, it was all day. But let's not stop there!! It was not just today, it was yesterday as well. It was the day before. To be honest I do not even know exactly when it started but it did. I think it was a gradual process. Each day it was a little more present than the last.
But, it had absolutely nothing to do with my physical appearance. I have gained weight, my hair needs redone, most of the time my clothes are for comfort, and I look like a zombie... No. This prettiness is not an external display, it is an internal state of mind.
I feel pretty because, rather than finding my beauty, worth, value, what have you, in how others view me, have re-found my identity in Christ (that part is for another blog another time). This blog is not being written to remind myself of that fact as they often are. It is an acknowledgment of the fact that I have been living that way for days and possibly even weeks and not even realizing that.
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